Absence Management Services

Absence Management Services

  • Is one or more of your employees on long-term sick?
  • Are you unsure how to manage their return to work?
  • Do some of your employees regularly take days off sick?

A new study by Westfield Health, a health insurance and wellbeing solutions provider, has revealed that absenteeism cost UK businesses £14 billion in 2020. That is an extra £2 billion increase on business costs since the previous survey.

Many organisations have little or no means of dealing with long term sickness. If you also add in that not all long-term sickness is necessarily that, as some employees have been known to play the system, then the cost to your organisation may be far greater than you could imagine.

Jay Webb Consultancy Services Limited can help you correctly identify those employees who are playing the system, and those who need to be properly supported and managed during their long-term sickness and the return-to-work process.  Alternatively, we can support businesses to manage the process of termination on ill health grounds and comply with the current legislative processes. Following a few simple steps could save you thousands of pounds in potential claims.

Our absence management service can help you to re-open the lines of communication with a long-term sick employee where managers have, for whatever reason, failed to manage the process effectively. We have a number of Occupational Health Services who we work with to help to manage the process fairly, professionally and with compassion.

Our methods are in line with the Equality Act and a framework for managing permanent and temporary disabilities, keeping people at work wherever possible and supporting the needs of the business and the individual employee.

More specifically, we can help with the following:

  • Individual case support
  • Provide in-depth, bespoke training and development for managers and employees
  • Review and amending your absence management policies and procedures
  • Review the return on investment and effectiveness of your current absence management
  • Support you in negotiating any new policies and procedures with employees and trade unions
  • Our Absence Management services can be combined with our other HR service offerings such as HR Policy Development to offer you a “one stop shop” for all your HR requirements

For further information or to request assistance with Absence Management Contact Us

Contact details
13 Dunholme Avenue
LE11 4SG
Click here to
get in touch >

01509 216395



Jay was a great source of clear and supportive HR advice, often in very difficult and challenging circumstances.


Sheila Lock
Leicester City Council

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