- Is the thought of making redundancies keeping you awake at night?
- Do you wish you could find a way of avoiding this course of action?
- Are you unsure of the legal requirements of redundancy and redeployment?
Redundancy and redeployment are two terms that are being used ever more frequently in today’s economic climate especially with furlough ending and organisations needing to remain viable. As we come out of the worst (so far) stages of the pandemic, businesses are beginning to review their future needs as fewer people in work means less demand for services.
We aim to provide you with practical guidance, as well as putting a positive spin on the situation. We offer support and advice for both redundancy and redeployment options to try to make the transition seamless. We work with local agencies to provide potential with other organisations, supporting staff in writing CV’s and helping to find alternative work. We can produce letters, redundancy calculations and provide personal advice on how to deal with both staff and managers during these stressful times. We aim to help you avoid the pitfalls, and get it right first time, ensure people are paid properly and avoid potential costly Employment Tribunals
Our staff have a wealth of experience of these issues within both the public and private sectors, SME’s to large scale redundancies. From performing strategic reviews of where costs savings can be made in terms of personnel, to undertaking the selection criteria and producing the relevant documentation.
We can also guide you as a business owner or manager on how to consult with staff and/or trade unions, including scripts, to ensure that the information you provide meets all legislative guidelines. Our aim is to make the process as stress-free as possible for you, and your employees and ensure that the right people get the right information at the right time.
We can also provide a redundancy package for those organisations that just need help with the process and standard letters rather than a Consultant to guide them through.
For further information on redundancies or the redundancy process Contact Us
Contact details
13 Dunholme Avenue
LE11 4SG
Click here to
get in touch >
01509 216395

Jay has a wealth of experience on matters related to HR.

Cliff Bradley
Smile More Dental Practice